On October 3 and 4, Denmark participates in the Renewable Gas Show with a national stand, coordinated by the Danish Export Association, which brings together 11 companies that offer technologically advanced and efficient solutions for the entire biomethane value chain, from the pretreatment of organic waste to obtaining biomethane and treating the digestate.
A-Consult: Prefabricated concrete digesters and tanks to store slurry and digestate
Activate NS: Clay-based additive that optimizes slurry management and biogas production
Ammongas: Technology for an efficient conversion of biogas to biomethane using amines
Gemidan Ecogi: Pretreatment of urban organic waste for use in biogas plants
Electrochaea: Innovative biomethanation technology that converts CO2 from biogas into methane
Euromilling: Equipment for biomass pretreatment to increase biogas production
Hexa-Cover: Floating cover system for ponds and tanks of all types of liquids
Linka Energy: Industrial biomass plants for thermal energy generation
Lundsby Renewable Solutions: Turnkey construction of large biogas plants
Nissen Energy: Biomethane desulfurization and purification plants, and cogeneration engines
Purfil: Comprehensive system for digestate treatment, producing fertilizers and water
Danish Export Association. We offer direct access to the largest network of Danish suppliers.
Danish technologists have developed solutions that seek optimal resource utilization and technological reliability, and have installed them in all types of biogas and biomethane plants in Denmark and other countries. Their knowledge, experiences and proven solutions can contribute decisively to the viability of any project.
Denmark is a country the size of Extremadura and currently has 200 biogas plants in operation, half of which are agro-industrial and account for more than 85% of the biogas produced. Danish agroindustrial biogas plants are mostly large and have become processing centers for all types of organic waste, even those from urban selective collection. Denmark is the European country with a higher percentage of biomethane injected into the gas network with 40%, 10 points more than last year. On July 15, biomethane production in Denmark exceeded the total methane consumption of the entire country.
The Danish government's goal is to cover all of the country's methane consumption with biomethane by 2035.