Luis Puchades biogas presentation

AEBIG presents biogas and biomethane as the best energy alternative for agri-food cooperatives in Spain

On September 8, the Spanish Biogas Association (AEBIG) participated in the meeting organized by Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain on European funds and how to use them to promote cooperative bioeconomy projects, and more specifically, biogas. Led by Luis Puchades, vice president of the association, participants were already able to learn which are the leading companies in the sector and what their position is in the current situation of the energy and environmental market in Spain and Europe.

Spanish cooperatives are lately discovering the barriers and possibilities of developing initiatives for recycling agricultural waste into fertilizer products and the extraction of biogas and biomethane. Something that in other European countries is counted in the hundreds, to date, only some biogas plants are already linked to livestock cooperatives such as COVAP, Central Lechera Asturiana, Coren, Grupo AN, GAP or Agrocat.

At the 15th International Bioenergy Congress, which will be held in Valladolid on October 5 and 6, we will have the participation of Mr. Ramón Armengol, President of COPA-COGECA, to hear the united voice of 22 million farmers and 22.000 cooperatives agricultural in the EU.

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