The 16th International Bioenergy Congress has presented 71 technical communications related to renewable gases before an audience of 792 accredited.
The euphoria experienced by the renewable gases sector is reflected in the extraordinary success of the III Renewable Gas Fair, organized by the Spanish Biomass Association (AVEBIOM) with the support of the Spanish Biogas Association (AEBIG) as a technological partner.
For two intense days, nearly 3.600 professionals have gathered in Valladolid to learn about the best technologies and processes available, contact technologists who have the indispensable knowledge and promoters eager to invest, and debate with representatives of public administrations about procedures and regulations. All of them committed to the unstoppable development of a fundamental sector for the decarbonization of our economy.
Biomethane from agricultural and livestock origin in Spain is key
For the European Union to be capable of producing 35 bcm of biomethane in 2030, Spain must accelerate the construction of plants in the coming years, since it is the third country in generation potential. Potential that, 80%, is linked to agricultural waste and by-products, whose mobilization requires improving logistics and, above all, involving farmers and ranchers in the new activity.
Javier Diaz, president of AVEBIOM, closed the last table of the congress by assuring that “during next year, the association will deepen its relationship with the agricultural sector to involve farmers in the projects, to put them on the ship, since they are a piece essential part of the biomethane puzzle, and that they see that this activity has a direct and positive impact on the field.”
Properly valorizing the large amount of digestate that will be generated in the form of fertilizers will be as important as the production of renewable energy in a context of instability and rising import prices.
Francisco Repullo, president of AEBIG, emphasized that the moment requires “collaboration among everyone more than competition to overcome barriers and achieve well-armed projects, supported by knowledge. Biomethane is not a bubble, but a necessary activity to combat climate change and increase our energy sovereignty.”
Spain has about 300 biogas and 7 biomethane plants in operation; Over the next three years, at least another 30 or 40 facilities will join, which are currently under construction or in the pipeline. Some autonomous communities such as Valencia or Catalonia have already drawn up their own strategies to develop this activity and others such as Castilla y León are beginning to develop their plans.
Let's hope that the alignment of wills that we have seen at the III Renewable Gas Show bears fruit and next year, in the fourth edition of the event, we can show that today's dream has become a reality.