The European Biogas Association (EBA) welcomes the inclusion of the mandatory 2030 biomethane target in the regulation. The association explains that if the EU institutions finally give the green light to this proposal, the biomethane target of 35 bcm would have binding legislation. “This 2030 EU target would significantly contribute to security of supply by replacing 20% of natural gas volumes imported from Russia before the Ukraine war.”
The voted Package includes the requirement for Member States to establish national biomethane strategies and guarantee regional mapping of the areas with the greatest production potential.
The adoption of EU-wide rules is expected to facilitate accelerated and pronounced growth in the integration of biomethane into the gas network after 2025. The European Parliament report improves the Commission's proposal on the right to inject, establishing, among other provisions, deadlines for the delivery of the network connection requested by the project promoters. However, no agreement has been reached on provisions dealing with network access costs for project developers.
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