Renewable Gases as biofuels

Renewable gases in the new mechanism to promote renewable fuels for transportation published by MITECO

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge has published Order TED/728/2024, of July 15, which establishes a new regulatory framework for the promotion of biofuels and other renewable fuels in the transport sector.

Order TED/728/2024 introduces clear definitions and a specific framework for biofuels and other renewable fuels and for the certification and accounting of biogas, biomethane and other renewable gases in the transport sector, ensuring compliance with sustainability criteria and reduction of emissions necessary to move towards a cleaner and more efficient energy system.

Member States must ensure a minimum share of 29% renewable energy in transport by 2030, or a reduction in greenhouse gas intensity of 14,5%. European regulations include all types of renewable energy, including traditional biofuels and renewable fuels of non-biological origin.

In Spain, the new order provides the necessary tools and guidelines to move towards the decarbonization of transport, responsible for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and one of the main causes of air pollution in cities.

This order is applicable to all subjects obliged to comply with the obligations of sale or consumption of these fuels. Minimum annual objectives for the integration of renewable energy in transport and a certification system are established to ensure compliance with these objectives, with six types of certificates depending on the raw material used.

In addition, limits are set for biofuels produced from food and fodder crops, as well as those with high risk of indirect land use change (ILUC). Failure to comply with these limits may result in penalties and non-accounting of excess certificates. To encourage the use of advanced biofuels and fuels of non-biological origin, double counting of their energy content is contemplated. Sustainable aviation and marine fuels have a multiplier of 1,2 times their energy content.

Mixtures of biofuels with fossil fuels must be made under adequate technical conditions to ensure their quality and homogeneity. This measure ensures that the mixtures maintain high quality standards and that their components can be accurately measured.

Biogas, biomethane and other renewable gases for transportation

The document defines biogas and its derivatives used in the transport sector and recognized by the system of guarantees of origin of renewable gases and establishes that sales or consumption of biogas in the transport sector will be counted provided that:

1. The biogas is obtained in production plants under voluntary regimes approved by the European Commission or a national regime subject to a favorable decision by the European Commission.

2. They have proof of sustainability that accredits compliance with the sustainability and emissions reduction criteria established in Royal Decree 376/2022, of May 17.

Biogas, when used in the transport sector and has redeemed guarantees of origin, can request the issuance of provisional certificates for biofuels and other renewable fuels. These certificates are based on the quantity of renewable gases to which a guarantee of origin has been associated.

Likewise, the order establishes the need to link information on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with guarantees of origin of renewable gases. This linkage must comply with the methodologies defined in Directive (EU) 2018/2001 and avoid double counting of the same unit of renewable energy.

Finally, it is highlighted that the energy content by weight of the biogas that can be certified will be 50 MJ/kg, in accordance with the applicable European regulations.

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