source system guarantees

The management procedure for the biogas origin guarantee system published

The Official State Gazette of October 31, 2022 publishes Order TED/1026/2022, of October 28, which approves the management procedure of the system of guarantees of origin of gas from renewable sources. With it, part of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of December 11, 2018, relating to the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, is transposed and Law 7/2021 is complied with. , of May 20, on climate change and energy transition and especially, Royal Decree 376/2022, of May 17, which regulates the sustainability criteria and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from biofuels , bioliquids and biomass fuels, as well as the system of guarantees of origin for renewable gases, whose title II provides for the creation of a system of guarantees of origin applicable to renewable gases.

Thanks to the system of guarantees of origin (similar to the one already existing for electricity produced with renewables), each MWh of gas of entirely renewable origin will give rise to the issuance of a guarantee of origin (electronic document) with information on where, when and how gas was produced. Consequently, guarantees will provide added value.

The guarantees of origin certify the volume of gas and its quality, since they differentiate between hydrogen obtained with renewable energy, biomethane, biogas or other gases, and cover any renewable gas produced and consumed, whether on site, self-consumed and injected or not. to the gas pipeline network.

The annex to the reference order regulates the content of the aforementioned management procedure of the system of guarantees of origin of gas from renewable sources. It defines the fundamental operating principles, protocols, rights and obligations of the system of guarantees of origin, applicable to renewable gas production and consumption facilities in national territory. Among other elements necessary for the operation of the system, it establishes the registration, maintenance and deregistration requirements in the guarantee of origin system; supervision and audit of production facilities; system administration, which includes the transfer of guarantees of origin and the measurement and quality procedure.

The Technical Manager of the Gas System is the entity responsible for the system of guarantees of origin of gas from renewable sources, while the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge does not have the human and material means to carry out its functions.
