Renewable gas is as necessary as electrification
The generation target of 20 TWh with renewable gases recently proposed by the PNIEC for 2030 is insufficient for the sector, which indicates that the production potential places us in third position in Europe and that all our demand is currently covered with gas imported.
The sector ensures that renewable gases can play an important role in covering part of the 40% of Spain's energy demand that is considered impossible or difficult to electrify.
Biomethane companies in Spain point out the keys to their large-scale development
General directors and representatives of the highest level of the main companies promoting and constructing biomethane plants in Spain -PreZero, Naturgy, Nedgia, Veolia, Acciona, Ence Biogás, Total Energies, Nortegas, Engie, Catalana de Biogás and Cycle0- have participated in the first round tables held at the 16th International Bioenergy Congress and have outlined the keys for biomethane and other renewable gases to definitively become real tools of decarbonization, environmental improvement and energy sovereignty for the country.
Thus, they have pointed out that it is key to achieve social acceptance of the projects, showing their environmental benefits to citizens, and to secure raw materials by involving farmers in the projects. Maurice Quaak, vice president of the French Association of Biomethanizer Farmers, explained that 90% of biomethane producers in France are farmers.
Incentivizing demand with actions such as replacing natural gas in buses with biomethane or introducing tax benefits is considered more relevant than the subsidies themselves. Extending the existing gas network to allow the injection of biomethane at generation points is another pending task.
It is also essential that the public administration expedite the processing, which is currently delayed between 2 and 3 years, and that it prepares for the flood of projects in the coming months.
And, of course, companies must do their homework: well-designed plants, well-thought-out logistics, well-chosen locations.
In short, biomethane and other renewable gases companies recognize the existence of barriers, but their motivation and enthusiasm to promote new projects is high. “Everything needs to be done, let's do it right,” they conclude.
Javier Díaz, president of AVEBIOM, together with Francisco Repullo, president of AEBIG, have thanked the Junta de Castilla y León and the Valladolid City Council for their support of the event. José Manuel Jiménez, DG of Infrastructure and Environmental Sustainability of the Board, and Alejandro Pellitero, Councilor for the Environment of the City Council, spoke at the event, showing their commitment to the development of the biogas and biomethane sector in the region.
Javier Artacho, honorary consul of France, the guest country in this edition and one of the examples to follow in supporting the renewable gases sector, also took part.
Last day
Today, Wednesday, October 4, is the last day of the show and the congress, which will feature several technical sessions and round tables that delve into the most relevant issues to guarantee the success of the projects and the solid implementation of the sector in the coming years. years.