Naturgy Foundation Book

Biogas as a key lever in the decarbonization of the Spanish economy

Naturgy Foundation advances this report in which the reality of the biogas and biomethane in Spain and what are the challenges that arise for its development.

CIEMAT and PwC have addressed these questions in their study: Biogas and biomethane as a key lever in the decarbonization of the Spanish economy, which is especially relevant in the current context, with the recent publication of the Biogas Roadmap, energy prices and the REPowerEU strategy.

This report has been prepared by PwC Spain, in accordance with the request made by the Naturgy Foundation, with the purpose of analyzing the potential development of biogas and biomethane in Spain and its impact on reducing the carbon footprint, to make a joint more conscious and responsible society. The CIEMAT (Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research) - Public Research Organization attached to the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the General Secretariat of Research - has also collaborated in the editing of this document.

Download the report HERE