Inés Melchor, Head of Guarantees of Origin at ENAGAS GTS, presented at the General Assembly of members of the Spanish Biogas Association (AEBIG) all the progress achieved in the last year with the new Guarantees of Origin System. Among other milestones, she presented an example of what the document, the certificate, will be, and that very soon we will have them available on the digital platform.
He also explained what the Subject Committee will be, whose functions will be to know and be informed of the operation and management of the GoO System, as well as to prepare and channel proposals that may result in the better functioning of the system.
It will have full members such as the Ministry or the producers registered in the system, but it will also have other members who can contribute although without voting capacity. ENAGAS GTS has opened a consultation period on the future operation of this committee in which professionals and interested parties in the sector are invited to participate through a web form open until June 6:
You can also download the presentation slides here.
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